Last revision 21th of July 2022

Company Information:


Please review Uniform Advertising Specifications and General Policies of service before using services of the network.

This document states the terms and conditions (hereinafter "Terms") upon which , a company organized in UK (hereinafter “Company”, "we," "us" or "our"), the Advertiser may use our services (the "Service"). These Terms constitute a contractual agreement between the Advertiser and us. By visiting, accessing, using, joining and/or participating in (collectively "using") the Service, the Advertiser express and acknowledge Advertiser’s understanding and acceptance of these Terms.

Therefore, in consideration of the valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties make the following agreement:

The Advertiser is entirely responsible for all materials that will be use in Campaigns. The Advertiser acknowledge that any disclosure of personal information in Advertisements may make Advertiser or others personally identifiable and that the Company do not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to Advertisements (in fact, advertisements are likely to be published publicly on the Internet).

The Advertiser shall be entirely responsible for any and all of Advertiser's own Advertisements and any and all consequences of posting, uploading, publishing or making them available. For any of Advertiser’s Advertisements, Advertiser affirm, represent and warrant that:

  • The Advertiser own or have the licenses, permissions, rights or consents to use and authorize the Company to use all trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or other proprietary rights in and to Advertisements for any and all uses contemplated by the Service and these Terms.
  • The Advertiser will not post or allow anyone else to post, any kind of prohibited content (such as abuse, beastiality, incest, rape, violence or other prohibited content); The Advertiser have written permission from each and every identifiable individual in Advertiser’s Advertisements to use the name and every such identifiable individual to enable use of the Advertisement for any and all uses contemplated by the Service and these Terms.

The Advertiser further agree that Advertiser will not submit an Advertisement that:

  • Is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or trademark laws, or subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless the Advertiser is the owner of this rights or have explicit permission from the rightful owner to submit the material and to grant the Company all of the license rights granted;
  • Is illegal, unlawful, defamatory, fraudulent, libelous, harmful, harassing, abusive, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate as decided by us in our sole discretion;
  • depicts illegal activities, promotes or physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promotes or depicts any act of cruelty to animals;
  • impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents you in any way, including creating a false identity;
  • will constitute, encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense, violations of the rights of any party or that otherwise create liability or violate any local, state, national or international law;
  • is unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotion, "spam" or any other form of solicitation.

We claim no ownership or control over Advertisements or Third Party Content. The Advertiser or a third party licensor, as appropriate, retain all copyrights to Advertisements and the Advertiser is responsible for protecting those rights as appropriate. The Advertiser irrevocably grant the Company a worldwide non-exclusive license for an unlimited number of licenses, an unrestricted license that can reproduce, publicly perform and display, distribute, adapt, modify, translate, create derivative works and otherwise use an Advertising (including any registered trademarks ) for the purposes provided by the Service and these Terms. The Advertiser also provide other users of the Service with the right and license to use ads in connection with their use of the Service and/or the promotion/publication of Advertiser’s ads. The Advertiser also resile from any claims and allegations of moral rights of attribution in relation to advertisements. The Advertiser represent and warrant that it have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein to Advertisements. Specifically, the Advertiser represent and warrant that it own the title to the Advertisements, that the Advertiser have the right to upload the Advertisements to the Service and to have them displayed through the Service, and that uploading and displaying the Advertisements will not infringe upon any other party's rights or Advertiser contractual obligations to other parties.

The Advertiser acknowledge that the Company may at its sole discretion refuse to publish, remove, or block access to any Advertisement for any reason, or for no reason at all, with or without notice.

Without limiting the other indemnification provisions herein, the Advertiser agree to defend the Company against any claim, demand, suit or proceeding made or brought against the Company by a third-party alleging that Advertiser Advertisements or Advertisers use of the Service in violation of these Terms infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of any third-party or violates applicable law and the Advertiser shall indemnify the Company for any and all damages against Company and for attorney's fees and other costs incurred by the Company in connection with any such claim, demand, suit or proceeding.

The Advertiser agrees to be bound by the following advertising specifications and general policies in connection with all content appearing on any and all Advertising Sites and in any and all Creatives

No content which is defamatory, obscene, involving minors, harassing, illegal, or otherwise objectionable may appear in the Advertiser’s Creative and on Advertised Site:

  • The Advertiser shall have no content in its Creatives that promotes or facilitates illegal activity, or violates the rights of others such as copyright, trademark, other intellectual property infringement, right to privacy, right to publicity, or other similar rights;
  • The Advertiser is to have no content in its Creatives and on the Advertised Site that is prohibited (“Prohibited Content”). The Advertising Site takes no position as to whether such content is illegal under any given state or federal law, but imposes the prohibition based on its own business policies. Prohibited Content includes, but is not limited to: child pornography or any content promoted or suggested as such, incest content, warez content, scatological content, death images, defecation, feces, genital mutilation, underage teen modeling, actual or simulated rape, sexual violence, menstruation, obscenity, bestiality, threats of physical harm to persons or property, actual violence inflicted on individuals by themselves or others, programs containing viruses, pirated software, wire fraud, drug trafficking, and/or violations of international export control laws. The Company reserves the right to update the categories of Prohibited Content and to review and/or reject any Creative submitted by the Advertiser and/or content found at the Advertiser’s Advertised Site, although the Company undertakes no obligation to monitor the Advertiser’s Advertised Site or take any such actions.
  • The Advertiser are not permitted to utilize any meta-tags, pay-per-click advertising campaigns, or other search engine terms that would imply or suggest that underage or illegal content may be found on the Advertised Site. The Advertiser shall never attempt to market the Advertised Site as featuring underage models, nor shall the Advertiser take any action that might be perceived as doing so or that might be perceived as marketing the Program Website to persons looking for such content.
  • The Advertiser is strictly forbidden to engage in any fraudulent, deceptive or unfair transactions or trade practices.
  • The Advertiser shall not use the Advertising Service in connection with any Advertised Site that encourages password trading, distribution, or hacking. The Advertiser may not engage in promoting the Advertised Site through the direct or indirect use of warez content, spamming, bulk emailing, or hidden frames.
  • Advertisements that are designed to be intentionally misleading, or are identified by the Company as misleading, are not allowed. Advertising is seen as misleading when it leads the visitor into error of thought or action.
  • The Advertiser shall not engage in any activities that may be harmful to the image, goodwill, or reputation of the Company. Whether activities meet this definition is in the sole discretion of the Company.
  • The Advertiser represents that the Advertised Site and Creatives do not contain, and the Advertiser shall not use, any material that contains “Trojan Horses,” viruses, malware, scumware, or the like, which cause or have the potential to cause damage to any computer or programs, regardless of the intent. The Advertiser will be solely responsible for any damage caused by the aforementioned destructive materials.
  • The Advertiser represents that the Advertised Site and Creatives do not contain automatic sound and video;
  • Any kind of advertising, application or any other file format that is downloaded unsolicited or automatically is not allowed in the Creatives or Advertised Site
  • Redirection to any (un)related page after clicking on Advertiser’s creative, without actually landing on the advertised page of the creative is not allowed.
  • Absolutely no auto-redirection is allowed. No Mobile Redirect is allowed in Creatives
  • Creatives that redirect the visitor to applications or application stores on a mobile device without consent are not allowed
  • No enter or exit confirmation messages (such as: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?') on the Advertised Site are allowed.
  • Popunder, Popup, Clickunder etc. must be easy to close with one click and should stay closed after closing it once.
  • Banner effects deemed to be disturbing to the user based on their actions are subject to rejection.
  • No additional pops are allowed in Popunder, Popup, Clickunder etc.
  • The Advertiser also warrant that all materials shall only be transmitted and distributed via the Advertised Site to willing adults who have been identified as over the age of majority before accessing any sexually explicit content.

The Advertiser agrees not to utilize any techniques to manipulate search engine results or traffic counts that may be false, misleading, infringing, or otherwise manipulative or deceptive in order to drive traffic to the Advertised Site.

The Advertiser shall not attempt to cheat, defraud, or mislead the Company, in any manner.

Use of landing pages for collecting Calendar subscribers is strictly prohibited.

If the Advertised Site allows the Advertiser’s end users or customers to control or upload material to the Advertised Site, or to submit Creatives, the Advertiser will voluntary assume the role of a “Company”, and guarantee that its end-users warrants the compliance of all paragraphs and obligations of this Terms.

Suspected violation of any portion of the Uniform Advertising Specification and General Policies provisions may result in termination of the Agreement.

If the Advertiser violates any portion of the Uniform Advertising Specification and General Policies, the Advertiser hereby agrees that the Advertiser is responsible for any monetary damage incurred by the Company in handling the violation. The use of prohibited materials will result in termination of the advertising service without advertising charge return, or in suspending the advertising campaign and imposing fines to the Advertiser (imposed individually for each case of violation and in the sole discretion of the Advertising Service Provider).

To keep advertisements safe for users, Company restricts content in certain circumstances.The following is not allowed:

  • Not allowed Text, image of graphic sexual acts intended to arouse
  • Not allowed Text, image promoting underage, non-consensual, or other illegal sexual themes, whether simulated or real
  • Not allowed Text, image that may be interpreted as promoting a sexual act in exchange for compensation
  • Not allowed Text, image promoting the sexual exploitation of minors
  • Not allowed to use genitals, women breast with opened nipples in images
  • Ads must not contain adult content. This includes nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.